Wisconsin Leaves Children Behind

Wisconsin ’s dismal performance in reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the so-called Nation’s Report Card, should come as no surprise given the disparity between what science recommends and what actually happens in classrooms. Scientifically-based methods require:
1. Instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
2. Instruction that is direct, intensive, systematic, and begun at the earliest of levels.

The educational establishment pays only superficial attention to the phonics issue and normally rejects all of #2, steadfastly adhering to the notion that any method requiring repetition and practice is somehow akin to child abuse. It maintains that it is better to merely encourage children to read, offer gentle assistance, and maintain a literature-rich environment.

While those are certainly important considerations, there is no empirical evidence to even remotely suggest that they alone can suffice, especially for those at greatest risk of reading failure – poor, minorities, children with learning impediments and English language learners.

We need to replace the “wait to fail” model with one in which “failure is not an option.” This can only come about if teachers teach directly, assess frequently and apply the appropriate interventions immediately. Yes, it is difficult. But it works.

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